Finding out that you have food intolerances which require you to eliminate certain foods from your diet can be heart-breaking. Not least if pizza is as large a part of your diet as it is ours.
It can be particularly challenging if your food intake was once based heavily upon pastas, noodles, breads and cereals and you find out you are intolerant to gluten. In most cases, enzyme tablets don’t relieve symptoms.
1. Combine the water and yeast in a small mixing bowl or jug. Set aside for five minutes until it starts to foam
2. Combine the flour with the salt and sugar (if using) in a large mixing bowl, and make a well in the centre
3. Pour in the yeast mixture and oil. Use a fork to mix until combined, then use your hands to bring the mixture together
4. Turn the dough onto a lightly-floured surface and lightly oil the bowl it was in
5. Knead the dough for about 10-15 minutes until soft and stretchy, then place back in the bowl
6. Cover with cling film or a tea towel and set aside for at least 30 minutes until risen about twice the size
7. Once risen, bring out and knead again on a lightly dusted surface
8. Divide into the required amounts if making two or three smaller pizzas, and then roll with a floured rolling pin until the desired size and thickness. Don’t worry if they’re not perfectly round; it just makes them look more homemade!
Just add your favourite toppings and then bake for around 10 minutes in your wood fired outdoor pizza oven on high heat.
You can also add any herbs or flavouring to the dough if you wish – Italian mixed herbs, garlic and even chilli flakes work well.
The dough is freezable if popped in a polythene bag, so you may wish to make double the quantity, so it’s ready to simply defrost for the next time you get a pizza craving.
See more: top 3 highest-rated pizza cookbooks you must know about