1. In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt
2. Add the yoghurt, mixing with a wooden spoon until fully combined
3. Remove once combined, and knead on a lightly floured surface until dough is tacky
4. Divide into 4 equal balls, then roll the dough balls out into flat pizza bases of about 7” diameter
5. Top with the bacon, cheese and mushrooms, leaving a space in the centre for the egg
6. If you prefer to have your egg well-done, gently break it on before it goes in the pizza oven for around 10 minutes.
7. If you prefer a softer yolk, bake the pizza for 5 minutes beforehand, bring out, then put back in for a further five minutes until the crust is browning and egg is set
See? Easy. And they are all ingredients and toppings perfectly suitable for breakfast time too, so it will feel completely normal.
See more: the best pizza cookbooks for pizza lovers